Wednesday, July 15, 2009

made it to Kuwait

We made it to Kuwait finally and luckily. Our original flight yesterday morning at 11was cancelled due to the sandstorm, and we were bumped from the 11pm flight as well as the 2am flight. The 7am finally took off as the sandstorm was rising again for the day. Apparently we were the last flight tot ake off, and one soldier even remarked that we shouldn't have taken off because the visibility was too poor, but we did and after a few fun maneuvers over Baghdad we landed safely in Kuwait. (they don't fly a regular flight pattern over some of the bigger cities. They don't do that stuff on commercial aircraft. It was was fun!). That means Catch Penny got stuck at Speicher. Have a scoop of Pralienes and Cream with caramel sauce for me guys! Sorry!!

Everyone is tired and was starving because we had to be up for each of those flight possibilities, and we didn't get much b-fast, so when we got to Arifjan we dumped our stuff and practically ran to the chow hall (which was about to close, but I think we would have run anyway! Quick silent lunch, a scoop of mint chocolate chip at Baskin Robbins (I'm going to miss the ice cream!) and back to my room until time to go. I needed a shower as I was covered in a fine layer of sand. The sand here is quite a bit grittier than in Iraq, and sticks to you better. People pay good money for exfoliation like that.

I got back to my room and had my first solid alone time in over a week, and the tears came. Tears for the soldiers, for the amazing friends I've made, for the things I've seen, both good and bad, the things I've learned about myself, and the excitement and fear of the inevitable big changes I'll now be making in my life. I think there was some exhaustion and possibly a little dehydration in there too. A well deserved and well needed cry! It's amazing how some things become crystal clear at some times.

Showered, dressed and packed and 15 minutes until we depart the last American military base in the middle east that I'll visit for a while. I have makeup on, and I did my hair. How weird! I look like a girl again.

Off to London where it's low 70s and rainy! That'll be a switch. I'm hoping to get all caught up with my blog on the plane tonight, so the rest of the trip will be chronicled. When I have a speedy internet connection, I'll be sure to attach pictures as well.

And you can guarantee I'll be having a pint with lunch tomorow!



  1. I love reading all of these posts Anne! I'm guessing either you'll post pictures later or you aren't really supposed to take them. Sounds pretty amazing and a trip of a lifetime. Would love to hear what you thought of the whole military thing before and after and just how amazing any military pilot is - talk about stress and talent and smarts. Travel safe.

  2. Definitely life changing…. We are so connected with you and that’s exactly how we feel! We love to read every part of this journey. Thanks for writing almost every day, we know how difficult it is. Have a great time in London and eat one of our favorite Brit dishes “fish and chips”!! High Cloud Love, A& M

  3. I keep saying there are no accidents and nothing happens in a vacuum. Looking forward to hearing the next brave chapter. What Andrew said! xoxm

  4. You are a wonder - Returning to a place (middle east) where you lived once might have been enough for many but you absorbed such depth and breadth of the culture, environment and the ethos of tour milatary in Iraq. Indeed, you are a wonder!

    Love you,


  5. Travel safe and get home soon!
