Tuesday, July 14, 2009

SCRUBBED! (7/13/09)

1:30 came WAY too fast, but I think I actually managed to get some sleep, which was unusual. The previous night I had spent the entire night awake reexamining my life, and most of the previous nights I hadn’t slept well either. Somehow I was hanging tough, and wasn’t dragging or tired in the least. Weird how adrenaline and excitement of adventure and interacting with amazing people really energizes me. I’ve also been continuing to try to eat well (aside from a few scoops of ice cream!) and making a concerted effort to drink plenty of water, so hopefully that was helping as well. We got to the MWR computer lab, only to find the mission had been scrubbed due to weather. BUMMER! Robi did a Q&A with Sandy anyway, and got some video of shout outs from troops. Very cool, but we were thrilled to be heading back home for a few more little winks before the race. The wind was still whooping up, and everyone was pretty negative about our ability to leave before Wednesday. I've settled into a "whatever will be will be" attitude. Nothing I can do about it!

Got a bit more sleep, then up for a 5am bus to the race site. It was pretty sandy, but we hadn't gotten any word that the race was off, so we headed over to the main gym. Sure enough, the race was scrubbed too, but there were still about 80 people in the gym, so Robi set up a series of stations. Frank was at the treadmills, Sandy was at one end of the gym answering questions, and Bart, Josh and I did some gait analysis at the other end. We were pretty busy and it was really fun to help the guys get the right shoes, and I was able to learn some things from Bart which was pretty great! Aside from that, hanging out with Bart is always fun. He's one of the funniest people on the planet. He has me rolling all the time. It's been such a pleasure taveling with him. So we did that until we got kicked out of the gym. Then we headed back to the villa. (did I tell you about our villa? SO FUN!) Everyone jaunted off to breakfast, but I decided to take the opportunity to sit this meal out and take a nap. I logged a good hour in the sack. Nicole was kind enough to bring me an apple.

The Schauf boys and I were talking about getting a workout, and DC had promised a Crossfit workout, so we waited around for him, but unfortunately we couldn't find him, and next thing we knew it was time for lunch. Off we went, singing "time to eat again" to the tune of "on the road again" After lunch we went over to the gym and Zach and Christian took me through a piece of one of their workouts. It was awesome. I would love to get in a routine of working out like that on a regular basis. I would have a SIC bod! We did mainly upper body to failure. I don't think I've ever worked out to failure. Being en endurance athlete, I've become accustomed to not pushing to the limit to be sure I have enough gas to finish the workout/race....probably to a fault. I could probably perform at a much higher level, but I'm always saving some. Well, not in this workout. Every time we finished a set, my arms would be shaking and hanging down useless. I was seriously concerned that I wouldn't be able to lift my arms the next day. We watched the UFC Brock fight from the other day. The one with that huge scary gross man from MN who was drooling and ranting after he beat that other nice man to a pulp. I was literally hiding behind Chris while we watched. It's scary that there's someone like that on the planet!

We headed back to the villa, I did my best to wash my hair and clean up with my rubber arms, then we headed to visit the hospital.


  1. As always, an amazing set of posts from Iraq. Thanks for keeping us all updated! All of your adventures sound challenging and really really fun at the same time. I'm sure your visit to the hospital will be humbling and awe-inspiring as well. Can't wait for the next installment of posts! Keep safe.

  2. Great reports Anne! MWR= Morale, Welfare, Recreation. I had to look it up, bugged me trying to figure it out.
